Datacom Filters


As data storage and computing resources enter the cloud, the demand for storage and data transfer capacity in the Data Center has increased dramatically.

Iridian uses demonstrated thin-film filter technology to meet the growing demand for Datacom optical filtering, providing wavelength division for DCI devices such as transceivers and tunable laser arrays (TLAs).
Datacom filter solutions are now available to meet these needs:
• Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) in the transceiver
• Broadband pass filter for transmitting the entire O, C or L band
• Silicon (Si) etalon for TLA
• Our filters are robust and reliable, meeting the requirements of the Telcordia 1221 environmental testing.

Datacom filters typically have similar optical performance capabilities and requirements as conventional telecom filters, but optical designs, filter sizes and thicknesses can be customized to meet the unique requirements of these ultra-compact products.

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Tel:  +1 (613) 741-4513
Fax: +1 (613) 741-9986


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