One plus one does not always equal two when it comes to optical filters and blocking but can be made to do so with careful design and use considerations:
Case 1: Two Filters in Parallel at Normal Incidence
Case 2: Two Filters in Parallel at Non-normal Incidence
How To
How a Filter is Specified
In order to achieved a desired optical functionality in an application, it is critical that key use parameters are communicated. Understanding the...
How to Clean Optical Filters
How to Clean Optical Filters?While the Iridian filters are hard coated filters, the filters are delicate and should be handled with care to avoid or minimize direct contact with any other optics. All Iridian filters may be cleaned using the following recommended method.
How to Specify Surface Figure and Wavefront Distortion for Multi-layer Optical Filters
Optical filters are used in many applications and the surface figure and wavefront distortion requirements of filters are dependent on where and how they are used. Whereas band-pass or clean-up functionality may only require control of the transmitted wavefront, dichroic beam-steering/splitting filters or wavelength selective mirrors likely require specification of both the transmitted and reflected beams. If filters are only used in sensing applications with very tolerant detector geometries, there may be no need, in practice, to put any constraints on the surface figure or wavefront distortion. It is important to understand where, when, how, and how much to specify wavefront distortion to ensure that functional requirements are guaranteed while unnecessary and costly constraints are avoided.
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